
Lineage 2 crests
Lineage 2 crests

lineage 2 crests lineage 2 crests

1 clan skills are available for purchase.Ĭlan Bulletin/Ads: A special clan bulletin is available to post ads. 1: A special buff for clan members that is activated when the clan leader is online.Ĭlan Skills: Lv. Click the Crest button to select the file on your computer.Ĭlan's Advent Lv. The crest image must be a BMP file (16x12 px, 256 colors). To do this, open the clan window (Alt+N), press and choose the Crest option in the dropdown menu. Only the clan leader can set the clan crest. The fee for using 1 Clan Warehouse slot is 30 adena.Ĭlan Crest: Clan members can now have a special icon displayed in front of their names. The clan members can also view what's stored inside, but only if they have special privileges. All the clan members can put items into the warehouse, but only the clan leader can take them out. The clan leader has all the privileges by default and cannot be stripped of any of them.Ĭlan Warehouse: A special warehouse available to clan members through NPC Warehouse Keeper. To learn more, see: Clan Wars.Ĭlan Privileges: There are 5 levels of privileges, the clan leader decides which level to assign to each clan member. To learn more, see: Clan Activities.Ĭlan Wars: The clan leader may declare war on other clans. To learn more, see: Chat.Ĭlan Rewards: Clan members get rewards for logging in, hunting, donating and participating in clan raids. To use the clan chat, choose the Clan tab in the chat window or type at the beginning of your message. The higher the level, the more perks the clan has.Ĭlan Chat: An exclusive chat visible only to the clan members. To learn more about creating, joining, managing and disbanding clans, see: Clan Management. Players can create new clans or join the existing ones.Clans let people join together to perform great deeds unavailable to solo players. The clan system is one of the fundamental features of Lineage 2 Essence.

Lineage 2 crests